
I hope you enjoy looking around, and find art that inspires you.

All of the original art displayed on this site is available for sale online. My goal is to make exceptional photographs and oil paintings available to the collecting community.

Mark Siddall

Artist's bio

Mark Siddall has always seen those things that the rest of the world walks on past.

The thrush in the willows, the split in the sidewalk, the longing in the eye. Even from childhood, he regarded his surroundings as a rich canvas of experience, constantly evolving and begging to be remembered. First with a paintbrush, later with a camera, and now digitally Siddall obliged.

Born and raised in Port Colborne, Ont., Siddall has always been attracted to natural beauty. Through his life, he has cultivated his love for art with the entire Niagara region as his subject. Siddall, who would go on to study business, computer programming, English and fine art in college, has sold his work to a number of private collectors, and his art adorns the walls of the Port Colborne General Hospital.

Mark owned and operated his own art gallery in Toronto for several years. The Mark Siddall Gallery was a solo exhibition space.

Today, Mark Siddall's documented efforts to remember the splendour in which we mutually exist is a gift for the rest of us. Through his art, we're treated to a unique second glimpse of a first impression.

Artist Statement

Art, for me, is a means to an end. When a visual something snags my artist's eye, I'm compelled to satisfy a need to capture it. My profession offers me that indulgence: the ability to visually document those encounters with people, places and things that so charm me that I'm reluctant to let their memories scatter to the ether. By recording them, I arrest their reality and consign them to a place of historical relevance. Digital art, for me, guarantees continued existence for those elements of the world that are magical to me, no matter their fate.